What a gem of a realization, and so succinct! Here are some longer statements featuring that same realization...
The faith in which I was brought up assured me that I was better than other people; I was saved, they were damned - we were in a state of grace and the rest were heathens. Our hymns were loaded with arrogance - self-congratulation on how cozy we were with the Almighty, and what hell everybody else would catch come Judgment Day.
- Robert Heinlein, Stranger in a Strange Land
Look at the songs of Fundamentalism: "That will be glory for me, I shall see Him face to face, my sins are gone, I'm so happy?, I'm saved, saved, saved, Love lifted me, He holds my hand, Now I belong to Jesus, Safe am I?, My Lord is real, yea, real to me?" I was even taught as a child to sing that shameless chorus, "For me, for me, for me, for me." It's like someone decided to set "original sin" to music.
- Daniel Stevick, Beyond Fundamentalism
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